Thomas Kinkade

The Art

In the often hurried and complex world we live in, the images that Thomas Kinkade painted offer a place of refuge – a place where the transient things of life give way to the things that matter most. Explore the complete catalog of Thom’s artwork.


Mom's Perfect Day

Art Notes

The bond between a mother and her child is born with the first flutter of life within the womb. It is an immediate love – unconditional, all encompassing, boundless, and eternal. She is our first best friend, our confidant, our inspiration. She is the foundation of the family, creating a warm home and traditions that will last a lifetime. Nothing is more treasured than the special moments, big and small, that a Mother enjoys with her children. A Mother’s Perfect Day captures some of those moments – impromptu picnics, exploring nature, and playing with favorite toys. No matter how many years have passed, these memories will always hold an important place in Mom’s heart. This painting is a celebration of these times – a reflection of the best days of a mother’s life.

Cobblestone Christmas

Art Notes

As I considered subjects for a Christmas painting this year, my thoughts turned to the familiar charms of village life that I celebrated in my beloved "Cobblestone Bridge." I know this stately old bridge well enough to conjure it and its environs when it wears a mantle of white. In Cobblestone Christmas light spills from the windows of every home and suffuses into the crisp winter air, where it mingles with the incandescent fires of the setting sun. God and man have truly collaborated in a celebration of the season.