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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:43 pm
by killcomicsans
great job with your branding, i like it a lot! I think I prefer the second design because you're using the transparencies really strategically, and I like the larger header text.

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:32 pm
by dzync88
Hi Kaycee -
Your designs are great and I think I'd like to mix and match. First of all, let me just say I love your font choices. That's always something I agonize over and you really seem to have a knack for it. Color themes are working very nicely, as well. My preference for your designs would be to use your "about2" layout for your homepage and your "about" page layout for your about page. :)

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:15 pm
by gr8ful1
Hi Kaycee! Sorry I'm late in critique! I like your second set of designs better, the home page with the model in jewelry lets the user know exactly what you're selling, whereas the storefront design leaves it up in the air as to what the product is. I also like that the storefront pic is in the about us page, because it is a cool looking picture, it looks to me like an original, creative space. I also like that that page shows turquoise jewelry, because from the home page I might conclude that the jewelry is all silver. I like the navigation on the second design also, although for responsiveness I understand doing the menu box too. If you do the box, I might change it's position or color though, or maybe just make it bigger. I thought at first that it was just a part of your logo :) Nice work!