Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

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Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

Post by YoAdrian! »

Yay! Looks like we made it! look how far we've come...ok I'll stop singing the song no one remembers.
I ventured into the world of Wordpress for my Project03. I know it was silly, but I really wanted to learn it, so I gave it a shot. All the links work, except the fictitious social media buttons that go nowhere and the "explore" or "find out more" buttons on the Events page that are just for show. Hey, but the form works...yup I emailed myself a lovely letter.

Reno Cloud Fest ... ordpress/

Reno Cloud Fest is a fictitious festival that I feel should be real. Every person that I've told "hey, I'm creating a website for Reno Cloud Fest..." they automatically say, "Cool, when is it? I want to go!." So I think that's a good sign. I tried to keep the design simple as I was learning the new program and all it's cool picadillos. I'm really impressed with a lot of the functionality, but it's definitely not user friendly. You have to know what you're doing, and I'm forever grateful for what I've learned in this class to help me understand what the program was doing. When it wasn't functioning correctly, I could go into the code and force it by saying "No you meany...I want a 100px margin do it!"

The 8 pages to my site are:
Home, About, Events, Cloud of the Day, Gallery, Contact, Get Involved, Maps

Thanks for looking, and have a great winter break everyone.

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-Johnna Chism ;)

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Re: Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

Post by Cj9497 »

Really like how consistent your page is. Like the flow of your website is pleasing to scroll through. This website really impresses me.

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Re: Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

Post by Cole_Richarrds »

This looks really good, I like your use of layout and color, I might have changed the font a little bit. Great job!
Cole Richards (he/him) (betes boy)

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Christopher B
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Re: Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

Post by Christopher B »

Great thematic website Johnna, that cloud of the day is amazing! Did you take that photo or enhance it in any way? I think that if you kept this site served on the world wide web, you could generate followers. Perhaps an on-site FTP portal where viewers could upload their cloud pics.....
Have a great winter break!
Christopher Bargman

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Re: Project03 Final - Reno Cloud Fest

Post by Instructor »

Johnna, Way to go putting your site on Wordpress, I know the extra time for the new learning was immense. Your site makes me joyful. I think I would make the text under the logo the same color as the clouds, that way you will not lose the dark text on the dark part of image.
You will be amazed how much a cloud weighs. Your image choices are capturing.

Did classmate critiques: yes
eye catching home: yes
page about the event: yes
news page about the latest goings-on at the event: yes
gallery page: yes
Event Schedule/calendar: yes
informational page on how people can get involved: yes
map: yes
mail form: yes completely working

responsive working: yes

Info page: yes
email form : yes
alt tags on images. Yes except note: Also logo does not explain to someone what the logo actually looks like. alt tags are for those who cannot see the image and your descriptions in alt tags describe to them the image.
live and fully functional: yes
title, meta tags, keywords, alt tags: yes except no key words
External Style sheet used to control layout: yes used template
Creative solution: yes
Clarity of communication: yes
aesthetics: color, typography, layout, etc.: yes
effective navigation: yes
effective information and interface design: yes
working-graphics submitted: yes
If we feel useful in life and loved, it sure makes life significant and wonderful

Toni McDonough - GRC 275 Instructor | 775-583-5262

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