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Hi Everyone

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:46 pm
by dnorwood
After finishing, and hopefully passing, this class and my science class this semester, I will have only the Portfolio class to pass in the Spring 2017 semester and I will be a College Graduate (I hope ;)! I plan on using what I am learning to create my own website for selling the arts and crafts my hubby and I do.

What I would like to learn here is how to build one website with two separate areas, with different business names, for selling. One area would be for selling what I make and the other would be for selling what the hubby makes. The reason for this is that we can't agree on the site name. I use D'Alane Designs and he uses The Dragon's Workshop. We already have The Dragon's Workshop domain name. We just have to come up with a common name to use for the basic site.

Good luck all...see you in class!

Re: Hi Everyone

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:06 am
by awesomeMF

Happy to see a familiar friend! Two websites in one is a lot to take in. You gotta be mindful not to confuse potential customers. But I think you can pull it off! I seen some of your work already done in class! I wanna be like you one day

Re: Hi Everyone

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:45 pm
by Instructor
Welcome, Denise. I very much look forward to seeing what you'll do with the expanded toolset I'm going to give you this semester.

There are many ways to have two separate but intertwined websites. You could host two different websites on one hosting account, but have them completely separated, like I do with and You could have one domain that leads to a splash page that will let users click on buttons that take them to separate websites. You could have sub domains of the same domains which point to different sites. Personally I'd go with a setup like I have for these class websites and then do a set of mutual links in between the two of them.

Work hard and if you put out work similar to what you gave me in GRC 175 and you'll do just fine.