Project 1 roughs DCC

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Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by TsukiMizuDCC »

Hello, peoples!!!

This is Cosplayer Dalanie "TsukiMizu" Chester here. I am presenting to you my roughs for project 1. Let me give you a little background about the website. My mother wanted me to start up this business that involves the inner peace and medicines from both Eastern and Western cultures. We want to sell some of the products that has someone searching for peace. The logo that I designed was based upon the chakra points that are linked to the body. The typefaces that I used are Matura and Sanvito Pro. I hope you guys enjoy them and find your inner peace.

Rough 1:
I wanted to do a little basic with the design. The color scheme that I chose was a light blue, pink, and white.

Rough 2:
Using a picture of the chakra points, I also wanted to use some of the colors of the chakra points.
Dalanie "TsukiMizu" Chester
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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by paulab »

Hey Dalanie! Nice job on your roughs! I am leaning toward rough #2. Everything about it works perfectly with the product. I especially like the organization of the inner page. The colors are great as well as the font choice. The shadow on the branches messes with my eyes and is very distracting. Maybe you could shorten the distance on that. Also, your copyright and name could come down a bit, maybe make it a little smaller. Really nice work!
Paula Burris
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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by aslychsm »

Very cool, I feel at peace just looking at your concepts. I'm a fan of the light, airy colors you chose, balanced out by that vibrant chakra graphic. I also really appreciate that you kept the theme of eastern influences in your typeface choice as well. I think you captured a very whimsical and calming design that really suits your product(s)! My favorite is your first rough, mostly because that image on the bottom rough makes your product page seem a little busy. If I were to suggest something, I'd play around more with the cherry blossom elements you used, maybe add some more, or illustrate some petals to place elsewhere to keep the theme of nature more consistent. Good job!
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by mccuske2 »

I like the first one the best. The second one is busy for me, maybe take to opacity down on the background picture down a little more.

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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by JonathonJ »

I feel like both of these designs are way to simple, this is an advanced class and should be able to represent that.

The logo is to simple, and there are too many colors-for my taste. I get the concept behind the logo, but it needs some work- maybe some symbols rather than just letters?

If i'd have to chose one design, i would choose the first one with the softer colors, its far less busy than your other design and looks a lot cleaner. Your typography needs work, it needs to be legible but with some character.
-Jonathon James

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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by recordd »

Hi Dalanie! Awesome job on both of your roughs! :-) I think both layouts contain serene and inviting color schemes & font choices, the layouts are easy to navigate through & your logo is eye catching. My opinion is that rough #2 is a little to busy with graphics and it takes my attention away from what your company is trying to accomplish. Rough #1, contains a more simplistic and well balanced layout which to me feels more calming and interesting. The cherry blossoms fit well with your design and products your trying to market. This color scheme meshes well together and it also portrays what your business is all about. Couple suggestions for you are: I feel that your logo is bright and grabs your attention which is a good thing, however, I do feel that it is a little distracting for this type of business...I think you could use some darker pastel colors (if that makes sense lol). I think it would still stand out from the background but blend with the design & most importantly your selling point that you are trying to accomplish. Nice job and I cannot wait to see your final design!
Danielle Record
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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by elizabeth_mejia »

I really like the nice light pastel looking color scheme very nice. I like the first design better the second one kind of looks too busy with the picture in the back of the transparent container. I do like that image in the second ones background maybe put that image in the inner layout but smaller :D Good so far though!
Elizabeth Mejia

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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by Instructor »


You've got two designs here that are subtly going in two different directions. The first is a clean, simple presentation space for your products and information. The second attempts to add a bit of color to the proceedings, producing an almost "vision-like" effect.

I prefer your first design, it's clean, simple, and evokes a refreshing meditation on a cool spring day. The second one gets a little chaotic and I think the background chakra drowns out a bit of the content and navigation.

Returning to your first design, it is, as I said, clean and refreshing. It has good, quiet colors that are evocative of the subject matter without being too dominant and project a cool, smooth, welcoming feeling. The navigation is easy to see and use and the design does not impede the content in any way. The logo, title, and navigational typography work with the colorscheme and layout to reinforce a welcoming, eastern feel. It also doe's nothing to get in the way of the content presented.

I'm not entirely sold on the bright, rainbow logo. I think it clashes with what you are trying to sell. I'd tone it down a bit. Embrace the peace of the rest of the website. The other big thing that stands out to me is margins. Your bodycopy is crowded up against the sides of your content area. Add a little room to the left, right, top, and bottom so it has room to breathe. Also, I think it would be better if you chose a nice, clean serif type for the bodycopy to make it easier to read. Make sure your category link images are a uniform size and a uniform distance from each other and the edges of your content area. Lastly, shrink your copyright notice, there's no need for it to be as big as your bodycopy.

All in all, a good start. Keep making steady improvements and you'll really have something here.
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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by Sierragirlnv »

I like the first design better, the second looks a little cluttered. The logo is really bright in contrast with the rest of the design. I might take colors from the images to harmonize it. I would also look for a more legible and peaceful type. Other than that it looks good!


Tiffani Lear

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Re: Project 1 roughs DCC

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Dalanie,
Nice job on your roughs.
I really like the idea of your sight for your mom, very nice of you to help her with that!
I like the "mother earth" feel that you have going with the design concepts

I like the first rough designs with the blossoms a little better than the chakra design.
The blossoms remind me of new life and spring time which on a spiritual level that's what your selling.
I like the clean layouts you have with the color wheel as a color theme.

I would change the font type for your body title homepage.
I personally love script and think that font style/look would look good
but that is my opinion and fonts are so personal in this college! LOL

Great start, good job.
